Tuesday, October 16, 2018

WebSphere commerce Retrieve MerchantKey

There are multiple ways to retrieve MerchantKey of WCS instance. Below is one of the easiest way to retrieve it.

In order to retrieve MerchatKey for WCS, you can create a test jsp. and put below content in the JSP:

<%@ page import="com.ibm.commerce.util.nc_crypt" %>
Encrypted Value of Merchant Key: <%=com.ibm.commerce.server.WcsApp.configProperties.getValue("Instance/MerchantKey")%>
Plain text (Decrpyted Value) Merchant Key: <%=nc_crypt.decrypt(com.ibm.commerce.server.WcsApp.configProperties.getValue("Instance/MerchantKey"), null)%>

Make sure that newly created JSP is directly accessible. 
If you do not want to create a new JSP, just embedd these 3 lines of code in any JSP which you can render on webpage.

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